Monday, October 29, 2007

Interesting Design

So as part of my Halloween costume, I am using an old helmet I had from my days of aggressive skating and skateboarding. It reminded me of a discussion I had with my dad a couple years ago. The situation was this: I wanted to go on a bike ride, but I didn't want to wear a regular bike helmet since I thought they looked weird. So, my solution was to wear my aggressive skating helmet. It was what all the BMX and pro skating guys (the ones who actually wore helmets...) wore, wasn't it?
But no. My dad would have none of it. He wanted me to wear a real bike helmet, or not go at all. But why? If anything, wouldn't the skating helmet provide the best protection anyways? I mean, it is designed for high speed impact with really hard objects. Handrails, ledges, flat concrete, you name it. It has really thick padding, fits perfectly, and above all, looks really cool! Bike helmets, on the other hand, are light, cheap, sparsely padded, and ugly.
Eventually I won the argument anyways, I think my dad decided it just wasn't worth the trouble. But still... what aspect of the design of the bike helmet, if any, made my dad prefer it over the skating one? Could it be something else, like the history of the bike helmet, and stories of its successes? Who knows...


TP said...

I used to have to wear a bike helmet when I biked. However, I eventually stopped wearing them because they're so uncomfortable and they don't look good at all. Someone needs to step up and design a bike helmet that protects your head, is comfortable, and looks cool so people actually want to wear them.

Spencer said...

I used to skateboard all the time. I wore an aggressive helmet when I rode anything, including my bike. I had a few falls that kept me from skateboarding any more, but the helmet kept my head safe at least. I broke my wrist, but my head was still in one piece. I moved on to riding my bike more, but I still wear an aggressive helmet.

Trey said...

I agree, and what does make parents more comfortable with certain products. Is it that they are old and have been around, or that they dont trust new things? I do think it is definitely time for someone to revoltionize the design of the bike helmet. I mean is it really that hard to make a helmet that does three things.
1. looks cool
2. keeps you alive
3. isnt the size of a watermelon

It would keep kids alot safer too, cause i know i never wore one growing up. If we made them more cool then i might have worn it and i probably would have been safer.

Naufal Waffle said...

I think your argument was plausible, because though bike and skate helmets are different types of helmets, I think they apply the same principles, and like you mentioned, the skate helmet would only be stronger.